392, Ratan Lal Nagar, Kanpur - 208022, Uttar Pradesh, India
Our Vision is to provide a happy, caring & stimulating learning environment where children will recognize and obtain their fullest potential so that they can make their contribution to the society. We want them to be equipped with.
DIS is Committed impart quality education, in the cordination of not only teaching staff, admin but also the parents. committed to provide a self-discipline & learning environment that promotes the academic, intellectual, personal & social development in students. We Aim to develop self-disciplined, responsible, caring & ethical citizens.
To provide good educational facilities for progressing & experimental teaching as well training on a futuristic basis with firm background of history & culture of our country. Preparing conscientious & responsible citizen with Integrity and Honesty, through intellectual, moral & physical development.
The Motto of our school is “FACTA NON VERBA” which means action speak
We aim to achieve the following objectives:-